Its once again time…to move on

My carry on is packed.

The house where I have been house sitting is vacuumed and dusted and ready for her owners return.Tonight I will Ooo and Ahhh at fireworks with my grandchildren and squeeze them tightly knowing it’ll probably be a month or so before I see them again.

My little ones and I enjoyed a day at the beach. We conquered fears of the water and the waves. We caught minnows in our hands and dug for sand crabs. What a beautiful day I was given.

Flights look good in the morning, I should be back on the west coast by late morning. I’ll have just enough time to get situated in my mini RV (read SUV with a bed) and begin my wandering again, down the coast. Excited about the time I’ll be spending in Southern California. And that I’ll be only 2 hours from my beloved Yuma.

20150613_133232~2Lots pictures to come…..

btw……Isn’t he a cutie.  I claim him….he’s my Grandson